School Supplies
Fifth Grade
All Students
ear buds or headphones for iPad (please have a pair that can be left at school)
5 glue sticks
1 3-5 pack of plain sticky notes
36 pre-sharpened pencils or mechanical pencils
4 low odor dry erase markers
5 composition notebooks
2 highlighters
Colored pencils
1 package of index cards
1 black fine tip permanent marker
zippered pouch for pens and pencils
2 large boxes of tissues
iPad charger brick & cord (these will stay at home)
1 container of disinfectant wipes
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
Optional: Stylus for iPad (kept by student)
Optional: Art box/bag to carry supplies between classes
Please Note: All backpacks must fin in lockers. Lockers are 14.5 inches wide, 35 inches tall and 11 inches deep. Please label backpacks and lunch boxes with your child's name.
Art (Please put these items in a separate bag and label it "art supplies."
- 18 count pencils
- 1 large eraser
- 2 fine tip Sharpies (black)
- 2 ultra fine tip Sharpies (black)
- 1 box of colored pencils
- 1 container of disinfectant wipes
- watercolors (16 count colors)
Download or Print School Supply List
Sixth Grade
All Students
Individual Ear Buds (must have for iPads)
iPad charger brick and cord
4 Plastic folders with 2 pockets
At least 48 sharpened pencils
2 yellow highlighters
Colored pencils
4 standard dry erase markers
2 large boxes of tissues
1 container of disinfecting wipes
1 container of hand sanitizer
(4) 1 subject composition notebooks
1 pack of sticky notes
2 fine tip or ultra fine tip black permanent markers
4 large glue sticks
Clear adhesive tape
12-inch ruler
Pencil pouch
1 box of gallon size storage bags
Art Supplies
2-4 black permanent markers (fine and ultra fine)
Package of sharpened pencils
Disinfectant wipes
Broadline colored markers
FAP Fifth & Sixth Mrs. Talley
headphones (to keep at school)
3 large boxes of tissues
5 two-pocket folders (plastic folders please)
2 composition notebooks
plastic art box
5 glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
markers (wide washable markers)
3 containers of disinfecting wipes
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 large bag of PLAIN M & M’s or Skittles
One of the following:
1 bag of animal crackers
popped popcorn
carton of Goldfish crackers
box of fruit snacks
*If your child requires special treats please send in an item that your child is able to eat. Thank you!
Related Arts
Art supplies will be collected by art teachers for community supplies.
5th Grade
- 2 Fine Tip Sharpies (Black)
- 2 Ultra Fine Tip Sharpies (Black)
- Colored Pencils
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Yarn (purple, yellow, orange, white, green, and multicolor)
6th Grade
- 2 Fine Tip Sharpies (Black)
- 2 Ultra Fine Tip Sharpies (Black)
- Markers
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Glue Sticks