Food Services
At Hamilton Southeastern Schools, we provide our students with nutritious meal options every day including milk, protein, fruits, vegetables, and grains.
While the most nutritious lunch contains all of the options, we understand that sometimes our students do not like some of the items we serve. To make our young customers happy, we like to give them the option to decline items they do not want to eat. In order to be in compliance with Offer Versus Serve standards set by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), students are required to take at least three components for their meal. One of these must be at least ½ cup of fruit or vegetable.
Menus and Resources
- Menus 2024-2025
- Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
- Newsletters
- Nutrition Policies
- Pay for Meals
- Pricing
- Refund Application
- School Cafeteria Contacts
- Questions?